Cactus watching his daddy (Cyclone) over the fence and a quick picture I got before his nose was up to the camera!
Our expected 2025 foals!
Due April: #1 - Wave Runner’s Phantom of the Waves x Wave Runner’s Kenzie Due May: #2 - Cyclone II x Rolling Bay Sugar Pixie #3 - Cyclone II x Assateague’s Spirited Lady #4 - Cyclone II x Sweet Island Dreams I’m so excited to meet these precious foals next Spring. We still have one 2025 foal that is available for reservation, more information can be found on our website on our for For Sale page. I have some extremely exciting news to share but first, let me start at the beginning. ⬇️
Trailer loading practice for Cactus. It didn’t take long and he was hopping in and out like a pro! He is such a good little fellow <3
Here is a video: Sue is getting so big!!! She is now 16 months old and is at least 54 inches. Her sire is Wave Runner's Phantom of the Waves and her dam is Wave Runner's Kenzie. I just can't wait to see how she does in the show pen next year!
Picture time for Cactus! I finally had the chance to get some good photos of him for his registration papers and for fun! As with most of my herd, he will be double registered ICPAR and PtHA! It will be hard to say goodbye to him when he goes to his new home later this Fall, he is such a sweetie!
AuthorWelcome to our blog! For those of you who are not on Facebook, we started this blog to keep you updated on what happens around our farm! We hope you enjoy following our herd! :) Categories
January 2025